Instant Eraser Foundation

The Ask: Win over the young Millennial that’s over foundation by positioning Instant Eraser Treatment Makeup as a drama-free option with instant results. Keep it social-first and digitally native.

The Insight: The 'click' of the Instant Eraser applicator is an iconic sound that already signals instant results to loyal IAR concealer users.

The Idea: Click, Click, Done!


Creative Team:

Copywriter - Audrey Siaw-Asamoah
Art Director - Kathryn Diaz


Click, Click, Done!

Hit fast forward on your makeup routine! We’ll dramatize the ease and quickness of Instant Eraser application via a rhythmic ‘click’ soundtrack and ‘fast forward’ triangle mnemonics seen on the pack.


Digital Film

We married the iconic click with a great soundtrack that highlights the fun and ease of Instant Eraser Foundation.

Demo Video

What better way to prove the ease and natural look of Instant Eraser Foundation than a quick, satisfying demo video?




Stella McCartney