Stella McCartney

The Ask: Highlight the iconic designer’s pledge to sustainable fashion using faux fur.

The Insight: Being called a bitch is hardly an insult anymore. Women have reclaimed it and refer to friends, loved ones, and themselves lovingly as bitches.

The Idea: Redefining the Rich Bitch.


Creative Team:

Copywriter - Audrey Siaw-Asamoah
Art Director - Sophia Malcoyanni


Redefining the Rich Bitch

 The rich bitch uniform used to consist of 100% authentic fur (plus a fun, red lip) to flex style, rebelliousness, and wealth. It’s no wonder it’s a look that’s endured for decades both on and off screens. But we think it’s time for an upgrade. 

To us, the true rich bitch oozes the typical glamour we imagine but cares just as much about the planet as they do about style. And hey, she might be a bitch sometimes too, but the best people are.

Rich Bitch 101 starts now.



Rich bitches know fashion shouldn’t hurt. Unless it’s someone’s pockets. Shop Stella McCartney’s 100% faux fur. No animals were hurt in the making of these looks.

Being a rich bitch means having a conscience, but still looking good and breaking necks (when needed). Shop Stella’s cruelty-free, faux fur.


In-Store & Print

School’s in session: we’ve created a Rich Bitch guide for shoppers in-store.




Instant Eraser


Asian Untold